Welcome to Maranatha Fellowship! We are so glad you have landed here and hope that you will join us for one of our services.

We have ministries for all ages! From Toddlers to our Senior Saints, we’d love to connect with you and your entire family!


11 AM Worship Service

7 PM Evening Bible Study for Adults, Youth Group & Kids Programs

Check us out online on YouTube or on Facebook!


Every person is valuable to God

God has given His Son Jesus to reconcile us to God to offer us a new beginning

Jesus lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death and rose from the dead to give us life by putting full confidence in Jesus, God’s forgiveness and blessings are made available

Through Jesus there is hope both for this life and for life after death


the world REACHED

the reached GATHERED

the gathered TAUGHT

the taught GROWN

the grown EMPOWERED

the empowered SERVE

We would love to pray for you!

If you have a prayer need or would like to be contacted, please complete the form below.