Maranatha ministries
We want to keep you connected, involved and resourced!
We want to keep you connected, involved and resourced!
Ranita Redding
Click Here to Contact Ranita
Janie Kerr
Heather Shannon
Payge Panamarioff
Ranita Redding
I really enjoy getting to see and hear our preschoolers in class. They’re my favorite because they’re not too sassy yet (and if they are it’s still cute!) and their answers about why they love Jesus are so heartwarming. They often inspire and challenge me with their complete faith and trust in God that comes with such ease.
Heather Shannon
I love being able to see children grow in their relationship with the Lord and connect how the Bible applies to their every day lives. I love being able to create engaging lessons, and teach God’s Word to kids.
Payge Panamarioff
When I finish giving my bible lesson I ask the Preschool kids questions about the lesson and what they've learned and they amaze me how much they've learned personally and it is rewarding to see.
Janie Kerr
I am thankful to have the opportunity to freely share about Jesus especially to the youngest generation. What a privilege to assist in building a strong foundation for their futures and encouraging them in their daily walk with the Lord. I am challenged to have a more child-like faith as I witness children in awe & wonder at the splendor of God’s glory. I absolutely love seeing faith come alive in our kiddos as they grow in the knowledge of God and experience a personal relationship with Him! (and, of course, I love the KidMin snacks!)
Pastor Kiki Ebue
Click Here to Contact Kiki
Joe Bailey
Trenton Coopchiak
6:00 - 7:00 PM
7:00 - 8:15 PM
Please complete the youth waiver for ALL Maranatha Youth Events.
Kiki Ebue
Click Here to Contact Kiki
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For young adults 18 years and older.
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